Thursday, May 19, 2016

Reading at Joaquin Miller Cabin series: July 10th 2016

It was very exciting to submit and hear back from Kathi Morrison-Taylor that I will read at this wonderful local reading series, which began in 1973. I will be reading on July 10th in Rock Creek. Here is an interesting historical piece about the cabin and the series:

Joaquin Miller Poetry Reading Series, 2016

June 5:  Lesley Wheeler and winners of the Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Prize, Katherine Brown and Taylor Petty

June 12: Lois Marie Harrod and Martin Shapiro

June 19: Alan King and Ross White

June 26: Remica Bingham-Risher and Michael Brokos

July 10:  Hayes Davis and Leeya Mehta

July 17: Karren Alenier and Ayaz Pirani

July 24: Teri Ellen Cross and Richard Levine

July 31: Jason Gebhardt and Amie Whittemore

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Submit your best poems to Origins Journal

As guest poetry editor of Origins Journal, I'd love to read your best poems for the Fall theme: "Witness". Incredible poems that don't fit the theme will be considered for publication online. Send us some amazing work!